Check out Hub Bub, a blog written by Diana Trout, wrote today about journaling and wrote about how she uses my Seek book as journal prompts for her and her students. She has been a great supporter of this mini book. Thanks Diana. Seek is a visual journey of Route 66 and a month spent in New Mexico. At the time I did the book I was seeking something different in my life and some answers. In the end I received my answers and moved on with my life. I find that as I move closer to 40 I am seeking again. This time I am seeking something creative, collaborative, adventurous, risk taking and completely out of my box. In the meantime I continue my journey. If you would like your own copy of Seek, surf on over to my Etsy page to purchase one and here's to the journey.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Life Changes
So my life really changed over the weekend! My boyfriend proposed to me and of course I said yes. It was very romantic and a total surprise. One minute I am thinking about how beautiful the night is and the next thing I know I am engaged. It is funny how life changes in a split second. This time it was for the good. But it makes you think how quickly things can change and how you really need to do what makes you happy. So while I begin to plan my wedding and honeymoon to Spain for next Spring, I am also thinking about the direction I want my creative career to head. Looks like I will be a very busy girl over the next year. Let the adventure begin!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Swirling Ideas!
There has been so much going on in my head lately. I just ordered a bunch of books about creativity, making books and running a crafts business. There is so much online, that I have been inspired. The ideas are flowing and now I just need to find a way to organize them. I have even been thinking about writing my own book. I have been doing lots of blog reading about life, creativity, and book coaches. I have been reading about how to make my blog more interesting and interactive. This is going to be a challenging but fun ride and I am taking all of you on the journey. Over the next few weeks, months, year I will be writing about my creative journey, hoping to find out about your creative journey and what I am doing to start my own creative business. My hope is to be able to inspire other people to create while learning about myself and my own creativity. Sign up to follow Chubby Cat Chat. I will be offering give-aways and free downloads. I am truly excited about the new direction I am heading in and I am hoping that I will make new friends along the way!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Summer Reading
With the unofficial start of summer I start thinking about lazy afternoons and reading. I already have a list of books that I want to purchase. Some are novels, but most are about inspiration, creativity and being a creative entrepreneur. Now that we are all settled into our new house and I finished unpacking the last two rooms of the house this past holiday weekend, I can now put all my focus on my art and begin thinking how I can sustain my creating habit by selling some stuff. I have an Etsy shop and I sell work at the Square Peg Artery and Salvage in Philadelphia's Rittenhouse area, but I want to branch out more. I want to start doing craft shows again, maybe teach some workshops, have a better online presence, etc. Right now I am reading a book titled, 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women written by Gail McMeekin. It is a combination of inspiration, workshop and being a creative entrepreneur. It is time for me to really take my creations to the next level. It is time for me to start taking some chances. As Mark Twain wrote, "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten."
Monday, May 24, 2010
Which Way?

I am a HUGE LOST fan and last night was the series finale and it did not disappoint. This t.v. show made me think about so much including fear, faith and how the two can pull you into different directions. Sometimes I wish a huge lighted arrow would pop up in front of me pointing me in the direction that I am suppose to take, but of course the arrow never shows up. So, I guess it is up to me to make my own path. I have been doing lots of reading about people who have taken a leap of faith, quit their jobs and are now creating full time and loving every minute of it. Of course it wasn't easy but they put their fear aside and took that leap of faith. Now, I am not in any financial situation to be quiting my job no matter how much I want to create full time, but I think I am ready to take some leaps of faith and work my way towards it. I figure I can accomplish smaller goals, like selling my stuff at more venues and marketing myself better. I may never accomplish the larger goal of working for myself, but I think it is important to have something to work towards, know that my full time job is not my life, let things go and really focus on what makes me happy. I am looking forward to the journey with a little less fear and a little more faith. When if your creative journey have you let fear and faith dictate yor direction? I would love to hear about your journey.
Friday, May 14, 2010

The past few months have been crazy! I started a new job in December and got heavily involved with it and then moved into a house in March. With some working from home, packing and then unpacking I have not had time to blog or really do much creating. But I am happy to say that I am settled, my art studio is up and I am off running. I am so excited to be back. I did take some time to do research for my own art side business and I have so many ideas and some great resources to share with you. I plan on making it a point to blog at least once a week if not more, show some tutorials, share some new resources, show some videos, and of course show my art. I am excited about this new adventure of officialy starting my own side business and who knows what will happen with it in the future. I hope you will follow my journey and be able to gather some information along the way. Knowledge really is power and empowering!
Image: Cherry Blossom tree in the park across the street from the new house.
Sunday, February 21, 2010

I have been thinking a lot lately about decisions that I been making about my creative life. As you know I have recently started a new job. March 7th will be the end of my three month probation period. I do enjoy the job, but I really miss being able to create during the day. I am starting to get use to my schedule and have stopped falling asleep at 7pm, but I still feel like I am missing something. I feel this urgency to do something, but not sure what. I need to really start visioning how to make my creative life a bigger part of my life. I have been researching how others have done this with full time jobs and I know it is possible. I feel like I am becoming lazy when it comes to my creative life. I need to become more dedicated to my art, set up a scehdule for creating and not let anything interfere with it.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
ATC Exchange

Things have been very busy for me the last couple of months. The new job and getting ready to move next month have kept me very busy and tired. I have packed a lot of my art supplies so I am working mostly with collage and markers. I recently joined an ATC, Artist Trading Card, swap. Three for three. These are the three that I sent. I am waiting to get mine in the mail. These were fun to create and I did them in one night. ATCs are a quick fix for my creative obsession.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
A New Year

Its a New Year and I am looking forward to new challenges. The past year, while being unemployed due to a layoff, I was able to establish my art on Etsy, get represented by a gallery, and really start to focus. Now after a year of looking, I have found a job and started working full time in the beginning of December. I love the job and I am so grateful to have found one in my field, but along with a full time job comes the challenge of getting motivated to create. O and did I mention that I am moving in March? I am miserable when I don't create, but I am finding that I lay down on the couch, fall asleep after dinner, then I am mad at myself for not working on something. I am sure there are others out there having a similar experience. Let me hear about it and tell me what you do to motivate yourself. The first five people who comment will win a small handmade prize made by me.
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