Wednesday, September 30, 2009


The DIY Trunk Show Craftifesto: The Power is in Your Hands!

The DIY Trunk Show is an annual event that brings the best of the Chicago area's alternative craft community to the people.

We believe:

Craft is powerful. We want to show the depth and breadth of the Chicago crafting community. Anything you want—clothing, jewelry, art, music—you can probably get from a real live person here in Chicago. And buying handmade, one-of-a-kind goods from your neighbor kicks the ass of buying mass-produced, slave-made corporate stuff.

Craft is personal. To know that something was made by hand, by someone who cares that you like it, makes that object much more enjoyable. And it makes you feel less lonely when you realize that you know the name of the person who made the bar of soap you use, the earrings you wore when you met that special someone, or the scarf that kept you from freezing while you waited for the train.

Craft is political. We're not just trying to sell stuff. We're trying to change the world. We want everyone to rethink corporate culture and consumerism.

Craft is possible. Everybody can create something—you don't have to be an established business to make stuff. The DIY Trunk Show encourages new crafters by giving them a place to sell their work for the first time. We hold workshops to teach people how to make things. And we're creating friendships and connections between craftersãbeing a small business owner doesn't mean you have to work in isolation.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Free Art

I have been researching various topics to write about on the blog. There are so many great things happening out in the art world and the world of D.I.Y.

I have been looking into artists who leave art out on the streets for the public to take and keep. Two of these artists are Adam Neate of London and Bren Bataclan of Boston. Check out the articles written about them.

I have been thinking about starting a project like this as well. The thought of leaving my art out in the world and someone taking the time to pick it up and keep it is exciting. What better way to get art out into the world.

Keep your eye out for free art on the streets and stay tuned for more collaborative and art for all projects.......

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Art House Co-Op

The Art House Co-op. Check it out. Projects that you can join and get your creations shown.

From the website:

Art house was started by Steven and Shane back in Spring of 2006 while they were undergrads at Atlanta College of Art. The idea originally started as a group of artists all getting together to have a show at a local venue. Steven and Shane were just the organizers. They quickly got cocky and decided they were going to open up a store front even if it meant pouring all of their hard earned cash into it and living on the street.

They first opened their doors in December of 2006 in a little complex in Decatur, Ga. That space started as a pay-to-play gallery, but quickly lost it's spark. Steve and Shane wanted to create an idea that would spread their name, as well as create a community of artists. They crafted together the first ever "A Million Little Pictures." Sign-ups were slow for awhile until they got picked up by the Yahoo Daily Wire newsletter and soon received over 150 sign-ups! Though that was exciting for the boys, it still didn't pay the rent. One hot summer night, as a last minute effort to get enough money to pay their rent at the gallery, they started "The Sketchbook Project." Well, apparently people liked sketchbooks because it quickly took off. The first ever sketchbook project had just over 500 participants. From there, they created more projects and spruced up some old ones.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I love books. I have a huge collection of them in all subjects. I love they way they feel, the way they smell, the idea that I can dog ear a favorite page or write notes in the margin. I love to read in bed at the end of the day when everything is finally calm and quiet.

In this month's Art on Paper magazine there is a reprint of an essay titled, "The Book Maker's Desire", written by Buzz Spector in 1991. I would like to share a part of this essay with you.

"The topography of an open book is explicit in its erotic associations: sumptuous twin paper curves that meet in a recessed seam. Page turning is a series of gentle, sweeping gestures, like the brush of fingers on a naked back. Indeed, the behavior of readers has more in common with the play of intimacy than with the public decorum of art viewing or music listening. Most of us read lying down or seated and most of us read at least partially unclothed. We dress up to go out and look at art; undressed, in bed, we read. We seek greater comfort while reading than the furnishings of museums or concert halls will ever grant us. When we read - the conventional distance between eye and page is around fourteen inches - we often become the lectern that receives the book: chest, arms, lap or thighs. This proximity is the territory of embrace, of possession; not to be entered without permission."

Friday, September 11, 2009

Art for the Masses

I have long been a believer that art should be made accessible to everyone. Everyone should be made to feel comfortable in a gallery or museum. There are many people who feel the same way that I do. The rise of the DIY movement, blogs, co-ops, galleries run by a younger generation of artists, websites like ETSY with affordable art for the public and new collectors, online galleries, collaborations and exchanges are all ways that artists are getting around the old gallery system and getting their work out and shown to the public. One of these projects is the Art*O* Mat. run by Clark Whittington. Clark refurbishes old cigarette machines into art vending machines and places them in coffee houses, food markets, galleries, museums, universities, and community centers all over the world. His organization is Aritsts in Cellophane. He places art in the community and gives back to artists and the community. To find out more and to learn how to participate go to the Art* O* Mat website.

Friday, September 4, 2009

End of Summer

I can't believe this weekend is the official end to summer. It went so fast. I remember as a kid, during this time of year, I loved going out and buying new school supplies. I wasn't so excited about school, but having the right trapper keeper helped. The end of summer comes with renewed energy. Everyone is home from vacation, galleries are showing new exhibitions, collaborations are beginning, etc. I am excited about the Fall. It is my favorite time of year. The angle of the light, the cool temperatures, the leaves changing with all the colors, and the cozy early nights. My Artist Mentor series is finished and starting next week I will be going more in depth about art for all by highlighting various artists and projects that are sharing art in non traditional ways, starting an exchange, offering free downloads, etc. To celebrate the Fall this year, I bought new art supplies, even better then a trapper keeper.